Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Synthetic Rubber

Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Synthetic Rubber
Автор: D. Beskrovniy
Дата написания: 2013
Издательство: БИБКОМ
ISBN: 978-5-7882-1416-0
Цена: 480.00 Руб.
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The manual is intended for the 5th year students of the Polymer Faculty of 020015 «Chemical Technology» course. The manual reflects the current state of the elastomers science and production technologies. The focus is on technological methods, based on the scientific understanding of the chemistry in the synthesis of general-purpose and special rubbers, their properties and applications.The content of the manual corresponds to the program of the course «Technology of Elastomers». Published by the decision of the Editing and Publishing Board of Kazan National Research Technological University

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